Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Haiti Trip Update: Day 7 and We're Back!

Hey Everyone!

The last day was filled with excitement and sadness. We had the opportunity to share in a VBS run by a Pastor in Haiti. It was in the city in a small upper room but it was filled with almost 75 people. They a sang songs for us and our team sang songs for them. Jackley shared a quick devotional and we were able to share the Gospel with them. It was indeed a cool time! After the VBS, our team traveled to another church run by Pastor Andre. He was telling us about the great need in the village for food and medical supplies. Recently two children died from malnutrition and others suffer from the lack of medicine that many American's have readily at their disposal. This experience got our leaders thinking of what we could do to help and we pray that God will continue to provide us and Pastor Andre with the means to make that possible.

We are finally back in the United States. Everything went smooth sailing on our flight into Florida and now we are just waiting patiently to depart for Pittsburgh around 6:30pm. It has been an amazing week learning to love like Jesus. Our students learned to love each other, orphans, and God. We did this intentionally and compassionately. We talked often during the week to focus on eternal things rather than on material. Things like children laughing, love being shared, and encouragement being given will last forever. Things like distracting social media, what people think of you, and material wealth are only temporary. Colossians 3 talks about looking heavenward. And our group got a glimpse of what eternity will be like and I have no doubt it will stay with them forever.

Once I've collected the photos from most of the team, I will post a link in the blog for you to check out the trip from different perspectives.

We want to thank you all for your prayers, they were all answered.


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